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Official Joseph Prince Sermon Notes

Your Failure Isn’t Final
Sunday, 25 April 2021
Your Failure Isn’t Final

In this sermon, Pastor Prince shares how receiving the gift of righteousness and breaking free from guilt and condemnation will set you free from the bondage of sin. Discover how you can experience deliverance and restoration, and be empowered to sin no more as you focus on Jesus and His finished work!

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All Things Work For Your Good
Sunday, 11 April 2021
All Things Work For Your Good

In this sermon, Pastor Prince shows you why as a child of God, you can always expect every situation in your life to work out for your good. Discover how you can live above the storms of life, and hear powerful revelations about how the Lord will guide you to exactly where He has called you to be.

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Stand On Favor Ground
Sunday, 4 April 2021
Stand On Favor Ground

In this Resurrection Sunday message, Pastor Prince shares how you stand on favor ground today because of what Jesus has done for you at the cross. Discover how your righteous standing in Christ sets you on the unshakable ground of His favor, and see how His favor causes you to reign in life, far above every challenge and obstacle you may face.

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Your Healing Is His Priority
Sunday, 28 March 2021
Your Healing Is His Priority

In this sermon, Pastor Prince shares how your healing is God’s priority. Discover how our Good Shepherd, Jesus, demonstrates His priority of leading, feeding, and healing His flock, and how you can receive His healing and supply by walking in rest every day.

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The Healing Power Of A Joyful Heart
Sunday, 6 August 2017
The Healing Power of a Joyful Heart

In this sermon, Pastor Prince shares powerful, life-giving revelations about how you can close the door to sickness when you discover the healing power of having a merry heart. Hear how Jesus’ finished work has paid the full price for your healing, and start expecting your breakthrough miracle from the Lord!

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Come To The Feast Of Healing
Sunday, 7 March 2021
Come To The Feast Of Healing

In this sermon, Pastor Prince shares about the great feast that will happen in the last days. Come to the table and feast on what Jesus has accomplished for you at the cross, and experience His restoration, healing, and wholeness.

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Prophetic Hope For The Future
Sunday, 28 February 2021
Prophetic Hope For The Future

In this sermon, Pastor Prince shares a prophetic message from the Lord about what God is doing in the world in this present season and the blessed hope we can look forward to when Jesus returns. Receive a greater understanding of the times we are in and God’s wonderful plan for you, and learn how you can position yourself to be a part of all He is doing in these last days.

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Your Provision Is In The Vision
Sunday, 21 February 2021
Your Provision Is in the Vision

In this sermon, Pastor Prince shares a revelatory word on how God’s provision is found in His hazon visions for our lives. Through the story of Abraham, discover how God first gives His people faith pictures of His provision before He brings it to pass in their lives. Whatever you are trusting the Lord for today, find out how you can start walking in God’s hazon vision and see His provision!

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Answers For A Distracted World
Sunday, 7 February 2021
Answers For A Distracted World

In this sermon, learn how God has provided an answer for His people living in a world that is filled with distractions and worries. Learn how enjoying the presence of the Lord in your life and meditating on His Word is the key to seeing success and prosperity in all areas of your life—including your health, family life, career, finances, and more.

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