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Official Joseph Prince Sermon Notes

Fresh Truths For Parenting Today
Sunday, 3 March 2024
Fresh Truths For Parenting Today

In this sermon, Pastor Prince shares God’s heart for our younger generation and reveals powerful truths on parenting from 3 different stories in the Bible. Discover the secret to restful parenting and practical tips on how we can help our children come alive to the things of God and walk in the abundant life that our Lord Jesus has prepared for them!

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How To Be Led By The Lord
Sunday, 18 February 2024
How to Be Led By the Lord

In this sermon, Pastor Prince shares how being conscious of the Lord’s love for us is the key to being led by Him in all that we do. Learn how receiving Jesus’ immeasurable love for you can cause you to step into His abundance and be an extension of His love to those around you. Discover the difference between just knowing and believing that you are God’s beloved, and how you can receive answers to questions you have about what’s happening around you and be led to make the right decisions in life.

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Be Washed And Refreshed By His Word
Sunday, 28 January 2024
Be Washed And Refreshed By His Word

In this sermon, Pastor Prince dives deep into the significance of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet. See how it is a picture of our Lord Jesus’ present-day ministry for us in heaven, and learn the importance and benefits of being washed by the water of His Word.

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Live With A Heavenly Perspective
Sunday, 21 January 2024
Live With A Heavenly Perspective

In this sermon, Pastor Prince reveals how when we live with a heavenly perspective, we can live a victorious life. Discover what it means to be in Christ and how being established in this truth can cause you to rise above your challenges this year!

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The Year Of Living In The Upper Room
Sunday, 14 January 2024
The Year of Living in the Upper Room

In this sermon, Pastor Prince reveals the theme of 2024 for our church—The Year of Living in the Upper Room! Discover how we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places and how we can experience every blessing from God this year. See how the Lord has prepared blessings of healing, light and illumination, practical wisdom, resurrection, and so much more for you in 2024.

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Break The Cycle Of Misfortune
Sunday, 7 January 2024
Break The Cycle Of Misfortune

In this sermon, Pastor Prince shares fresh revelatory truths from Acts 20 about the times we live in and how we can receive God’s restoration for what we have lost. Learn why we can lose our sense of good success, or soul prosperity, when we lose sight of the gospel of grace. See how our gracious good Shepherd meets us where we are despite what we have done, and experience how His loving embrace can comfort, restore, and bring back what we have lost.

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Make Room For Christ
Sunday, 24 December 2023
Make Room For Christ

In this sermon, Pastor Prince unfolds the Christmas story and reveals God’s great love for us through His redemption plan for mankind. See the Father’s love for you afresh, and let this foundational message inspire you to put Christ at the center of your life again!

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The Prayer That Removes Anxiety
Sunday, 12 November 2023
The Prayer That Removes Anxiety

In this sermon, Pastor Prince unveils the importance of praying in the Spirit for believers in today’s times. See how praying in tongues is a gift that God has designed to allow the Holy Spirit to intercede for us in every need and situation, as well as to guard our hearts and minds with His peace. Learn how you can pray in tongues to attune yourself to God’s wisdom, receive His guidance, enter His rest, and be refreshed whenever and wherever you need it.

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Put On God’s Armor In The Evil Day—Part 3
Sunday, 5 November 2023
Put On God’s Armor In The Evil Day—Part 3

In this sermon, Pastor Prince continues with his latest series on God’s armor and delves into the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. Learn also about the enemy’s tactics against us and how our Lord Jesus has disarmed him. See how you can fight from victory ground practically and how you can put on God’s armor through praying in the Spirit!

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